10 Days Isaiah 19 Highway

The Church of Jesus Christ was born almost 2,000 years ago in a 10 Day prayer meeting.  On Pentecost Sunday, ten nights and days of prayer exploded into an outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and 3,000 were saved.  Within a generation, the good news about Jesus had gone throughout the known world at the time.

I believe God is calling us back to the upper room, back to where it all began. But this time, not as 120 disciples in one place, but as a church of billions of people all over the world.

As we're coming back together, our prayer is simple--it's the last prayer in the Bible, the prayer of the Holy Spirit, the prayer of the Bride: "Come Lord Jesus." (Rev. 22)

We're not waiting for the Holy Spirit to come for the first time--in fact, we are full of the Spirit.  We're waiting for the Return of the King, for the second advent that will usher in a new era of existence.  We're praying together because we want Jesus to return.

And as we actively watch and wait for his coming, we're paying attention to those things He told us to do before He left.  Our personal holiness and getting oil for our lamps.  We want to be ready ourselves for His Kingdom.  But also, we are joining Jesus' prayer in John 17, "make us one".  While we have the Holy Spirit, we are asking the Father for an even greater measure.  This September, we're placing a special emphasis on praying for the more than 2 billion people who are considered unreached, those who have never had an opportunity to hear the gospel.

These remaining unreached are concentrated in 110 megacities around the globe--10 Days is partnering with 110cities.com to 1) adopt each city in prayer 2) host a 10 Day prayer meeting in each city and 3) mobilize believers to go on mission after we've done the upper room thing.  We are expecting a great harvest!

So far this fall, we have over 250 10 Day gatherings that have been registered, and more than 55 of those are in the 110 Cities.  Join us in prayer this September 15th.  Register your city's gathering today, and let's do the Upper Room thing together.

What is the Isaiah 19 Highway?

Isaiah 19 Highway is based on the Vision seen by the Prophet Isaiah mentioned in the Book of Isaiah 19:23-25 specifically regarding unity between Jews, Arabs and International (not geopolitical unity but unity through Christ). Once this unity comes across the earth then the long awaited blessing of the second coming of Christ is prophesied. We called the area Highway 19 as a Highway of Holiness based on Isaiah 35:8.

What do you sense God is going to do as a result of the prayer and fasting from previous years of 10 Days in the Isaiah 19 Highway?

We are believing that God will bring more awareness to the Body of Christ in Highway 19 Region. That believers would see how important it is to see the role of each and every follower of Christ in fulfillment of the Vision based on Isaiah 19: 23-25 especially after a season of consecrated prayer during 10 Days.

What’s happening for 10 Days in the Isaiah 19 Highway for this year?

  • More than 80+ Different Locations across 30 different countries will have 10 Days Global Upper Room gatherings

  • This year, we are planning to reach more regions of H19 ( MENA ) so that they all will be in alignment in a Global Upper Room Prayer. We are believing for 10 more countries to be represented as the Holy Spirit will empower the Body of Believers to come in oneness and prepare the way for Christ Return.

What are you most excited for regarding 10 Days 2023? 

The most exciting thing this year is seeing the Global Body of Believers coming together, stopping everything, and spending personal time in His Presence, seeking His will to be done.

Invitation to Join others in the Isaiah 19 Highway doing 10 Days:

From September 15 - 25, 2023, we are mobilizing 10 Days events in the Isaiah 19 Highway. These gatherings will range from small groups of believers devoting themselves to a special season of prayer and fasting, “city-wide” prayer meetings that bring believers across the city together, to large networks spread across geographic areas. You can register your small group or church, using this link or reaching out to the Isaiah 19 Hwy coordinator at 10DaysCommunications@gmail.com )