Unprecedented Global Prayer

There is an unprecedented volume of prayer going up this Pentecost Season.  As someone who is passionate about John 17 unity in the church, I'm amazed at the level of collaboration and alignment that is happening right now.  

Collaboration, because global leaders in missions and prayer and being intentional about working together whenever and wherever possible.

Alignment, because while each part of the Body is doing something different, we are intentionally aligning our efforts to a greater end.  

This Pentecost, we are anticipating well over 1 million people will be joining in a 21 Day fast leading up to Pentecost (May 7-28). This will lead up to 10 Days of Prayer (May 18-28), where many thousands of locations will be hosting 10 Day prayer gatherings.  On Pentecost Sunday, we expect more than 100 million to be joining in prayer together, one of the largest prayer days in history!

This is not just "one group" or "one network" doing this, it is hundreds of groups and networks each bringing a significant piece to add to this global chorus of prayer--each piece is significant, but what an honor to be able to have our small but significant piece added in with millions of other believers.  

I want to encourage you to find out more about this incredible partnership among prayer and missions groups.  Come to the Table110Cities.comPentecost2023.org, and Isaiah62fast.com are just a few places where you can find out more. I strongly encourage you to read Jason Hubbard's "Decade of Prayer and Evangelism" as a way of coming into agreement with what God is doing in the earth.  In addition, watch Mike Bickle's explanation of how over 100 million are joining in prayer together this Pentecost!

Our Piece: 10 Days Pentecost, May 18-28

Networks around the globe are partnering together, each bringing a significant piece of prayer to the table.  As the 10 Days network, here's a few ways we are adding to this Chorus of Prayer.

24/7 Online Prayer Room, May 18-28: Since 2020, we have  hosted a 24/7, global prayer call during the 10 Days leading up to Pentecost.  Our intention has been to use 10 Days Pentecost as a springboard into a larger 10 Days event in the Fall months, one where people will truly "Stop Everything" to seek the Lord. This year, prayer hours will be hosted from around the globe and in many nations.  We'll also have two daily teaching times daily at 12:00 and 19:00 Eastern US.

If you'd like to join in online prayer with people from around the globe, I encourage you to Register Here to receive login information for the call.  

10 Days Pentecost Locations Around the Globe: We are also aware of thousands of locations around the world that will be joining in with local 10 Days expressions leading up to Pentecost Sunday.  Many of these expressions are happening through large, global networks of believers meeting in homes, while others are more "city-wide" gatherings where many churches are meeting together.  We want to encourage you to join in a local 10 Days expression or else start your own!

Why Pray for Israel? Why Now?

This past year, we received a powerful invitation from an unlikely group.  A large network of Muslim Background Believers from the Middle East and surrounding areas, had sensed from the Lord that it was important for them to pray together for Israel the nation, and for the salvation of the Jewish people.  You don't have to be an expert in world politics to know that Arabs and people from Muslim majority nations often have a deep animosity towards Israel and the Jewish People.  This can affect people even after they become believers.

So, when I received this unlikely invitation, from a large, significant network of underground churches, I was immediately moved to say "Yes".  How could this be anything other than the Lord, if we are seeing Arab believers calling the global church to pray for Jewish people?  I also sensed that these Muslim Background Believers possessed a unique authority in the Spirit to pray in this way.

We know from Romans 11 that there is a significant blindness over the eyes of unbelieving Jewish people towards their own brother according to the flesh, Jesus.  We see clearly in that same passage God's purpose to bring His salvation to natural Israel, and also His plan to move unbelieving Jews to jealousy through Gentile believers.  We also know that their salvation will be "life from the dead."

Of course, we could not have anticipated at that time that Israel would be in a state of crisis this May, at the time of her 75th national anniversary.  Truth be told, the nation is at risk both of nuclear war and also from internal conflicts that threaten unrest and even civil war.  What could be more powerful in terms of moving them to jealousy than 100 million Gentile believers, led by Arab and Muslim background believers, praying and fasting for God to intervene on their behalf?  We within 10 Days are asking you to join with us and over 100 million others this May in praying for the salvation of Israel and the Jewish People.

So, whether you're meeting in person or joining in the global Zoom, let's go for it together knowing that our global family around the world is also praying with us!