10 Days Starts in ONE Week

Can you believe that 10 Days starts in one week!? Right now, we have 348 gatherings registered across 61 countries around the world!

Time is flying by but it’s not too late to Register Your Gathering or sign up for The Challenge. You can look and see if there is already a 10 Days gathering near you by visiting our Locations page. If you haven’t adopted a 110 City in Prayer yet, we would love for you to view the remaining cities looking for adoption and sign up here.

10 Days Virtual

Since 2019, we have had a virtual expression for the 10 Days of Awe.  We have watched the Lord unite His body as never before.  10 Days Virtual is a gathering that we can all join, at any time of day, during the 10Days.  We run 24-10.  

We invite you to participate with us as we gather corporately, as Kingdom Family, to cry out for the Harvest.  This year, the Lord called us to partner with 2BC (2 Billion Children movement) to engage children's prayer teams to lead many of our prayer hours.  We are excited to see what the Lord is going to do in and through us all coming to Him as Children this year!

"Jesus said, 'Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.'" Matthew 19:14 

"Through the praise of children and infants you have established a stronghold against your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger." Psalm 8:2

Teaching times every day are at 12 PM Eastern/ 7 PM Jerusalem. You can view the Teaching Schedule here.

Register Here and Join Us in the Virtual Upper Room.

10 Days Africa

Update from Edward Matovu, 10 Days African Coordinator:

The guiding scripture for the many churches and movements in the Body of Christ worldwide in this season is Isaiah 60:1, “Arise and Shine for your Light has come”. We sense the LORD calling His people to be light in the midst of the challenges and the shakings that we are seeing in our nations. The role of prayer is key in the establishment of God’s kingdom on earth. 

Revelation 5:8 and 8:3-5 show us that prayer is revenue for God’s operations on earth. As the prayers rise, they are gathered in golden censers before God’s throne. An angel is assigned to present them together with incense. God then responds. We are in days when much incense must be offered together with the prayers of the saints as we see the increase of God’s Kingdom rule in our nations and as we continue to long for His Appearing. Maranatha!

What do you sense God is going to do as a result of the prayer and fasting from previous years in Africa?

God hears the prayers that are in alignment with His will and when He hears, He answers. As a result of the prayer and fasting for the past five years we are seeing more unity in the body of Christ. More churches are being planted. There is a deeper yearning for God’s visitation and expectation for revival. We are expecting an enduring and transformative revival that will impact all the spheres of influence on our continent; governance, families, education, media and communication, the economy, belief systems and celebration and entertainment. 
Another major breakthrough concerns the Church's attitude towards Israel. In the spring, Mike Bickle and the team at IHOP Kansas City together with millions of intercessors from all over the world spent 21 days praying and fasting for God's purposes for Israel in the Isaiah 62 Fast. 10 Days in the spring focused on prayer for cities in Israel and the Middle East in joint partnership with the 110 Cities project. Israel's place in God's redemptive purpose has always been one of the focuses of the 10 Days vision. It was good to see the global Ekklesia embrace this role.  
In Uganda, we have witnessed unity gatherings in the capital since the year began through the National Prayer Altar initiative. These monthly gatherings bring together church and ministry leaders to pray for the nation.

I am learning that each prayer we make is like a seed that goes planted in the ground. It disappears for a season, but it eventually bears fruit that blesses future generations. 

What’s happening for 10 Days in Africa for this year?

This year we are having more in-person gatherings since we are not past the COVID-era. We will have both online and virtual expressions. Another exciting thing is the prayer including the children. Africa has one of the youngest populations globally. By 2100 the most populated cities will be in Africa. Now is the time to start engaging the younger people in the prayer movement.
We have so far registered 29 locations in 9 countries. For the first time we have registered participation from Ghana, Central African Republic, Liberia and Ethiopia. The other participating countries are Uganda, Sierra Leone, Kenya, Niger and South Africa.
Since 2012, Uganda Jubilee Network has observed 19th August to 7th October - fifty days leading up to our National Independence Anniversary Celebrations as days of prayer and fasting, seeking God’s face, and praying for the fulfillment of His purposes for our country. Each year has had a societal focus. The focus of the upcoming year (October 9, 2023 – October 8, 2024) is the Economy and Business Sector. 10 Days will therefore be a big boost to the already on-going prayers in Uganda.

What are you most excited for regarding 10 Days 2023? 

I am excited that cities can take off time to pray in unity. I am also excited about praying for cities. In addition to this I am excited about the 10 Days documentary film which is to be released next year. The film will capture experiences of 10 Days in different parts of the world. Stories are powerful and it is important that the story of this prayer movement will get to be told - testifying of God’s faithfulness in transforming lives and communities when His people pray. A sneak preview can be watched below.

Invitation to Join others in Africa doing 10 Days:

One of our mandates as the Body of Christ is to be a house of prayer for all nations. 10 Days is a great opportunity for us to exercise this role. From September 15 - 25, 2023, we are mobilizing 10 Days events around the globe. These gatherings will range from small groups of believers devoting themselves to a special season of prayer and fasting, “city-wide” prayer meetings that bring believers across the city together, to large networks spread across geographic areas. You can register your small group or church, using this link or reaching out to the African coordinator at 10DaysAfrica@gmail.com)