Stopping Cities for United Prayer & Worship with Repentance during the Days of Awe.
Stopping Cities for United Prayer & Worship with Repentance during the Days of Awe.
[ History ]
10 Days began in 2004 with a visionary experience. It was born out of a time of seeking God with prayer and fasting, motivated by Jesus’ prayer in John 17, “Let [my followers] be one just as we [the Father and the Son] are one.”
To learn more about the vision and elements of 10 Days history visit below.
What is 10 Days?
10 Days is a tangible step of obedience toward the answer to Jesus’ prayer in John 17:21: “Let them be one as We [the Father and the Son] are one.” This is about seeing Jesus receive the answer to His dying wish, for the John 17 unity of His followers. “Jesus gets what He prays for!”
The Challenge is back
Have you ever done something difficult, something that you doubted that you’d be able to do that later became one of the best moments of your life? Join us as we consecrate ourselves through prayer and fasting for 10 Days.
10 Days in all 50 State Capitols
What would it look like if people all around the USA headed to the seat of government in their state to pray, worship, and fast?
Pray and seek what’s on the Father’s heart for 2025 in your state capitol.
Presence Pioneer Media
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