



From September 22 -October 2, 2025, we are mobilizing 10 Days events around the globe. These gatherings will range from small groups of believers devoting themselves to a special season of prayer and fasting, “city-wide” prayer meetings that bring believers across the city together, to large networks spread across geographic areas.

Like the early church in Acts 1, this is an opportunity to pray “continually” and “in one accord” within our communities and as the global body of Christ.

These gatherings will be characterized by:

  • Extended times of Prayer and Worship that glorify God and exalt the name of Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit.

  • Multiple Christian churches, ministries, and organizations partnering together in unity.

  • A focus on humbling ourselves before God through fasting, mourning, and repentance.

Do you feel called to organize one of these gatherings? 

It is not for everyone, and it’s a major commitment— but coordinating 10 Days can change your life and create a lasting impact on your city, community, or network.

Qualities of a 10 Days Coordinator:

  • A love for God and a heart to serve the people of God.

  • A devotion to prayer and worship.

  • An ability to lead and be part of a team of leaders.

  • An ability to gather other believers from different parts of the Body of Christ.

  • A sense of call from God to a particular city, region, or network.

Invitation to host a 10 Days at the 50 State Capitols

What would it look like if people all around the USA headed to the seat of government in their state to pray, worship, and fast? Pray and seek what’s on the Father’s heart for 2025 in your state capitol.

As part of this 50 State Capital vision, we are partnering with Awaken the Dawn for Communion America, a 3 day gathering on the National Mall (Oct 9-12). So, the vision is 10 Days of repentance in our state-houses (Sept 22-Oct 2) and then a national gathering of communion and celebration.



Which describes you best? See options below.