10 Days Books Overview

NEW: “Jesus Gets What He Prays For” released on February 14th.

“10 Days: The Unlikely Story of a Global Movement Mourning for the Return of Jesus” released late 2023.


Now Available!

In John 17, Jesus prays an impossible prayer:

"Let them be one just as We are one."

How can people be one as the Father and Son are one? If Jesus prays for us to be one, why are Christians divided into 45,000 denominations? And, is there really hope that Jesus gets what He prays for?

This book wrestles with the prophetic implications of Jesus's Prayer in three different sections:

First - a deep dive into the meaning of Jesus’ prayer and the nature and unity of God.

Next - a biblical and historical odyssey in search of different perspectives on Jesus's Prayer. 

Finally - seven strategies for those in pursuit of John 17 unity.

Now available at bookstores near you (Amazon, Walmart, Books a Million, Barnes & Nobles.)


Book & Audiobook Available

Starting in 2004 with a visionary experience, this account tells both the good and the bad of a journey with God to see a seemingly impossible vision come to pass. The book highlights not only supernatural signs but also tragic mistakes, painful trials, and bewildering pitfalls that lead to what looks like complete failure. Through it all, the incredible faithfulness and miraculous provision of God are on display in some of the least likely situations.

This book will be especially helpful for those who have experienced both a deep passion and love for God as well as significant setbacks that have left them perplexed. It shows how God's faithfulness can operate through human weakness, but also how our growth in wisdom, discernment, and spiritual maturity is essential if God is to fulfill His great and precious promises in us. In a larger sense, it also paints the picture of the growth of a global movement that is filled with longing and expectation for the fulfillment of God's prophetic promises and ultimately the return of Jesus to rule and reign!

The Audiobook is available on Audible, Barnes & Nobles, Kobo, Libro, and StoryTel. Coming soon to Chirp, Google Play, Scribd, and Hoopla.

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