2018 Summit Report


Dear Friends,
Just two weeks ago, about 65 city-movement and national leaders from around the US, the UK, and Uganda gathered in Northfield for the 3rd annual 10 Days Summit. 

The Summit is like 10 Days in terms of the experience of God’s presence, but with a greater emphasis on teaching.  It's the best chance each year to catch the vision of 10 Days.  Powerful teaching is presented in an atmosphere of God’s presence with incredible love and fellowship among the saints! I've listened to most of the teachings twice and find they definitely reward a second listen; I'd encourage you to listen to them in the upcoming days.

The Summit Teaching Playlist:  https://soundcloud.com/10daysofprayer

From top to bottom and left to right: Graves of DL and Emma Moody, The Auditorium, Memorial Stone of the female students from Northfield who gave their lives as missionaries overseas, Brian Alarid (America Prays) finds himself in a "tall person" sandwich with Derrick Sanderson and Jonathan Friz at the tomb of missionary David Brainerd, Worship at the Summit, and a Northfield Sunset.

A Few Teaching Highlights

Love One Another:
  Central to the message of 10 Days the concept of John 17 Unity.  However, the key to John 17 is found earlier in John’s gospel, in verses 13:34-35.  Papa Gaylord Enns (Chico, CA) graced us with his incredible “Love Revolution” message, continually drawing our focus back towards “loving one another as Christ has loved us.”  Truly, without this message continually before us, we’ll never have unity—on the flip side, as we keep it before our eyes, it’s amazing how this command of Jesus can release life in community.  Truly, there is a blessing in obeying His command to love one another.  Hear Gaylord's Message "Make my Love your Home"
America Prays--40,000 Churches Praying 24/7: For the past two years, Jason Hubbard has vision cast for the 1 Church-1 Day 24/7 prayer initiative, leading to efforts beginning in Colorado, New England, and other places.  Since 2016,  1 Church/1 Day has grown from a strategy employed in a few cities to a to a full-fledged national movement called America Prays.  Brian Alarid cast vision for 40,000 churches in America to pray 24 hours once a month, covering our nation in a canopy of day and night prayer! (www.Americaprays.org)  We hope that your church will be part of this growing movement!

Let’s Stop Cities for Prayer this Sept 9-19: One of the most powerful testimonies from 10 Days in recent years has come from the city of Bridgeport, CT.  Luis Burgos shared testimonies of salvations, healings, and other incredible signs and wonders breaking in to Bridgeport last fall.  I’d highly encourage you to check out his message!


Moody’s House (of Prayer)

The Summit ended with a sign and a wonder of its own.  As our final act, we dedicated DL Moody’s home and the place of his death in Northfield, MA to be a house of prayer. 

I’ve been asking God for over 10 years to establish a house of prayer in Northfield.  Others have been praying much longer than me.  After 10 Days and Restore and Revive in 2017, we began regular house of prayer times on the Northfield campus.  After over 10 years of prayer, I found myself I completely overcome by God’s faithfulness—He is a God who answers persistent prayer!  This spring, the Moody Center, new owners of about 1/3 of the Northfield campus, proposed that we move the prayer house into Moody’s house for the Summer.  We are overjoyed to be able to pray several times a week in this historic property!

Four months ago this May 29, our little house of prayer received a word from a long-time pastor in Western Massachusetts that after “four months” God would lighten our load and bring us new help.  Almost exactly four months later, we moved in and experienced an incredible move of God at Moody’s house, accompanied by a number of new staff people who are helping to lighten the load!  God is truly building His House in Northfield and in the Nations—we are amazed by his faithfulness and blessed to be a part of His beautiful and growing family.


Jonathan Friz


Above: The Summit concluded with dedicating the Moody Homestead as a House of Prayer. 
Below: "This is the Place" sign in the Homestead/The first prayer set in the Moody living room

Jonathan Friz