10 Days Pentecost Recap

For years, we have been sharing this crazy vision about Cities Stopping, businesses and schools, even sports taking a break in order to seek the face of God together during the “Days of Awe”. This year, for the first time in our lifetimes, cities shut down the world over in response to the Covid-19 Pandemic.

Amazingly, God had prepared us for this…in January he led us to not do our usual Spring Summit, a fly-in, in person event, but instead to do a 10 Days virtual 24/7 event leading up to Pentecost Sunday (May 21- 31). We had no idea at the time how relevant virtual prayer would be to the global situation. This powerful time of global prayer had participants from many nations, and all 6 continents. While English was the primary language, we had prayer hours led in many different languages. Attendance in the Zoom room ranged from 15-100 at any given time, with most prayer sets having participants in the 30’s or 40’s. Most people would stay on for their designated hour, but some joined in many hours a day. One of the great elements of the prayer was how participants were able to connect heart-to-heart, and make their voices heard together, creating a genuine love for one another as we laid our hearts bare before the Lord day-by-day.

God moved powerfully in our lives as we devoted ourselves to prayer and meeting together leading up to Pentecost. Along with the 22 hours of daily prayer, hosted by groups the world over hour-by-hour, we also had Daily Teaching Segments that God used powerfully, culminating in a 3-hour discussion with many of our speakers on May 30th.

We have recorded all of Daily Teachings from the “10 Days Pentecost”. You can access them in a Youtube or Podcast format.

Click Here to access the Youtube Teaching Library.

Click Here to access the Podcast Teaching Library. You can subscribe to our podcast via this link or by searching “10 Days of Prayer” in your preferred podcast subscriber.

Finally, we are grateful for the ability to partner with so many amazing individuals and organizations in the Body of Christ. To all of our partners, prayer leaders, speakers, and participants, we say Thank You! Truly, we are “one body” and parts together of one another, a global family knit together in love! In addition to those partnering on our prayer call, there was an incredible, global upswell or prayer happening all over the world, in many movements, of which we were privileged to add a small but significant portion! We were especially grateful to be part of the GO2020 Movement and special thanks to the Aqueduct Project for hosting us.

We believe 10 Days Pentecost is a Springboard, a launching point into amazing things that God will do this fall during 10 Days 2020, September 19-28, during the “Days of Awe” from the “Day of Trumpets” to the “Day of Atonement”.

Jonathan Friz