10 Days Update

Monday, August 17, was a bit of a discouraging moment.  After a year of hard work we had about 60 confirmed 10 Days locations, about half of the 120 we felt God had spoken to us for with just over a month to go before our launch.

I was praying as someone who had been running hard, but was tired-out, "God, if you really want this 120 cities vision to be a reality this year, you're going to have to do it."  Did we hear you right, Lord?  Are we still running well?

The next day, August 18th, we received over 50 new City-Coordinator registrations.  I thought that was an amazing answer to prayer--thank you Lord!  For those who have walked with the Lord, you know that he often brings us to the end of our endurance and ability before He answers us spectacularly. 

Over the past two weeks, we've had almost 100 new City Coordinator registrations.  A registration does not equal a location--so we've had a team of people working to respond to all these new contacts and confirming as best we can where people are actually doing 10 Days.  So far, we've identified over 90 locations planning to join in 10 Days this fall.  Along with this, we've seen a 600% increase in those individuals signing up for the Consecration Challenge over the past 2 weeks!  More about the Challenge below...

Advancing Around the World! 4 Pieces of Great Global News

Along with this outpouring of new city-registrations, we are hearing incredible reports globally about what's happening during the 10 Days of Awe.

* South Africa is launching "The Return South Africa" calling for a day of Repentance on Sept. 26 (The Return) along with 10 Days of Prayer.  So far they have over 100 cities registered to participate in South Africa! (for those keeping score, we're counting that all as "1 location" for now until we know more).

* Australia and the South Pacific nations are joining with The Return in a historic, National Solemn Assembly assembled by Aboriginal tribal leaders in Australia on Sept 26 and 27th.  We are also seeing great movement on the 10 Days or Prayer around the Solemn Assembly (Sept 18-28) in the South Pacific.

World Prayer Together, in partnership with the International Prayer Council and many, many other groups will be hosting a global Solemn Assembly to launch the 10 Days of Awe on the Day of Trumpets, September 19th.  This global online repentance prayer meeting will feature repentance from 10 regions of the earth over 3 hours.  Find out how to join the nations of the earth as we launch the 10 Days with this global cry of repentance!

* Finally, the 10 Days Global 24/7 Virtual Prayer Room is filled with prayer groups and prayer leaders from all six continents and speaking many languages.  If you'd like to pray virtually this 10 Days, you can REGISTER HERE for the 24/7 Zoom Prayer Call.  Once you register, you'll be sent the Zoom link.

Jonathan Friz