10 Days Begins
10 Days begins today in hundreds of locations around the world.
As I write, we're also seeing a significant escalation of the war in Israel that began a year ago, with Iran launching a ballistic missile attack yesterday. Tensions around the world, from natural disasters, to the U.S. Presidential election, are extremely high.
It is a very good time to be entering a 10 Day period of fasting and prayer.
I think it is not an accident that our theme for this year, "For such a time as this," is from the book of Esther.
To be honest, I initially did not like the theme this year. The phrase has been overused quite a bit in Christian circles. Today, however, it is hard not to appreciate the parallels. Esther, through united prayer and fasting, joined to wise action, saved the Jewish people from a Persian (Iranian) plot to destroy them. Today, more than 2,400 years later, we begin a fast with war breaking out between these same two peoples, except now both sides are most likely armed with nuclear weapons.
Perhaps God will use our prayers and fasting this year in a similar way, to avert an immediate catastrophe. We earnestly desire it. And yet, we know from Scripture that our world is destined for shakings until the rightful King and Ruler returns, until "Your kingdom [has] come on earth as it is in heaven."
Let's pray for ourselves, to be spiritually prepared for what is coming--we need this time to buy oil for ourselves.
Let's pray God's agenda, for the Holy Spirit to be poured out, for the gospel to go to every tribe and language, for the church to be supernaturally One, and for the Jewish people to acknowledge their Messiah. Let's pray for the Bride of Christ to be made ready.
And finally, let's join together in the great and final prayer in Scripture, Come, Lord Jesus! Bring your Kingdom here!
Jonathan Friz