Jesus Knows What to Do

During my senior year of college, a good friend sent me a sermon that I listened to over and over again. The sermon was based on the four friends in Mark 2 who rip the roof off of a house in order to get their paralyzed friend to Jesus. When Jesus sees what they are doing, He is moved by their faith. Jesus responds by forgiving the man’s sins and also healing his body, much to the displeasure of the Pharisees.

The pastor had a line in the sermon that he repeated over and over again: “If we can get people to Jesus, He will know what to do.”

“If we can just get people to Jesus, He will know what to do.” I feel like in some ways the last 18 years of life have been defined by that sermon that deeply touched me. I have no idea what we’re doing or how to do it, but I have seen over and over again that when people unite in prayer around Jesus Christ, His presence comes, and lives are changed.

If we can just get people to Jesus—just clear a pathway through their crowded lives, crowded minds—and do whatever it takes to get them there, Jesus will know what to do.

So, that’s the plan for this fall. Let’s come to Jesus ourselves, and as much as we can, let’s bring others to Him. As my friend Matthew Lilley likes to say, “God’s Presence Changes Everything.” I’m excited to spend 10 Days in God’s presence together with you!

Jonathan Friz