Over 120 Cities Confirmed! Are you one?

Over the last months, we’ve been in touch with believers around the world who are planning 10 Day prayer gatherings. I’m pleased to share that we already have 120 different gatherings around the world that have been registered and confirmed by our team. We are still working to confirm many other locations as well, and we’re expecting around 300 independently organized events this year. It’s amazing how the body of Christ is working together to make the “Global Upper Room” a reality all around the world!

The Church was born in a 10 Day prayer meeting. Could it be that God is calling us back to where it all began, but this time as a Global Church?

This Promo video is now available with subtitles in Spanish, Portuguese, Urdu, and Indonesian. Italian, Russian, and more languages coming soon. Would you like to see Subtitles for the promotion video in your language? Email 10Dayscommunications@gmail.com for details.

10 Days in Jerusalem: Honoring the All Nations Convocation, Jerusalem

I’ve always thought it would be amazing to have a 10 Days event in Jerusalem. I thought of it as something to look forward to in the future. But as it turns out, God was ahead of me---way ahead of me!

This past week I had the privilege to talk with Tom Hess of the Jerusalem House of Prayer. Tom is an amazing forerunner and Father in the global prayer movement. He and his team have been doing 24/7 prayer in Jerusalem since the 1980’s. In addition to this, for the past 25 years they have hosted the All Nations Convocation in Jerusalem during the fall feasts. They’ve been doing 10 Days of 24/7 prayer during the 10 Days of Awe with people from all over the world for 25 years. To put it in context, I was just starting high school when they started doing this! It was amazing in our conversation to see how many things we have in common, even though this was our first time meeting them.

I wanted to highlight this event in Jerusalem for two reasons.

  1. I wanted to honor Tom and this All Nations Convocation Jerusalem that has been going on for 25 years—truly we are walking in what they have prepared the way for in prayer! Thank you!

  2. Secondly, I thought some of you might be interested in a pilgrimage to Jerusalem to do 10 Days. This year, they are especially focusing on having a representative from each state in the USA and on gathering leaders in their 20’s and 30’s.

Would you like to attend the All Nations Convocation in Jerusalem? Are you interested in learning more? Please contact Michael at northamerica@jhopfan.org.

The cost for housing, etc is surprisingly affordable. You can learn more about the Jerusalem House of Prayer at jhopfan.org. Watch their video here: https://vimeo.com/684099103.

Jonathan Friz