What an Amazing 10 Days

Dear Friends,

We've just come through an incredible 10 Day season of prayer, fasting, worship, and repentance in over 300 locations around the world.

It is very common during 10 Days for people to experience personal revival in their relationship with the Lord. They know they can't go back to the old "normal", and we often have people asking "what's next?" How can we maintain the personal revival experienced during 10 Days in the midst of the regular rhythms of life?

Here are three ideas for you going forward:

1. Find a regular, weekly Prayer Rhythm

If you don't know what to do next, the good news is that you have the help of the Holy Spirit. Ask Him to lead you to praying people. In my experience, this is a prayer that God is completely willing to answer!

10 Days is meant to be an annual, intensive season of seeking God. If you really went for it this year, you know--this is not sustainable on a regular basis! As we come out of 10 Days, we encourage you to settle into a regular rhythm of personal and corporate prayer and worship with other believers. God may lead you to engage with a group close to you, which is ideal.

Another option is joining with groups like the Global Family 24/7 Prayer Room that are praying online: https://globalfamily24-7prayer.org/

2. Discern Next Steps for Unity

Often during 10 Days there are breakthroughs in terms of the unity of believers in a given region. Chances are during 10 Days, God has already begun to suggest next steps on how to maintain this newfound love for one another. Whether this is a pastor's group that meets regularly, united opportunities for service, or just times of food and fellowship, ask the Lord to lead you into what He has next for your region so that breakthroughs in unity will be sustained and maintained!

3. Rest, Recover, and Trust

Many experts who have studied past revival agree--revivals often burn out because people begin encountering God in powerful new ways and then fail to remember their bodies still need rest. It's a stunningly simple fact: Revivals burn out because people in revival refuse to rest! If you're feeling physically stretched and tired now that 10 Days is over, its important to take time to rest and recover. The beauty of 10 Days is that it will be here again before you know it!

Thousands of us have had breakthroughs and experienced more of God than ever before--let's now enter into a season of thanksgiving where we can learn how to steward this new sense of God's presence in our normal, daily lives.

Every Blessing,