120 in 2020 Vision
Dear Friends,
Last week I shared that 2020 is already unique, in that this year we the Lord has set a very specific goal—120 Cities praying 24/7 in Unity, and 120,000 set apart to seek God’s face.
As we prepare to launch this year, I wanted to share the story of how we got the 2020 vision…
“The Kingdom of God is like a man who casts seed upon the soil and he goes to bed at night and gets up and the seed sprouts and grows, how he himself does not know.”
Mark 4:26
The Story of the 120 in 2020 Vision
This August, I read the history of the Global Day of Prayer by founder Graham Power. The Global Day of Prayer was the largest single prayer meeting in human history, with over 200 million participants in every country on earth. It ran from 2005-2011 and was tremendously influential in my life. As I read the book, I felt confirmed that 10 Days was a “next step” in God’s plan from the GDOP. I felt a spiritual transaction in my own heart that surprised me, as if God was preparing me to carry on the legacy of the Global Day of Prayer in a new way.
Shortly afterwards reading the book, I received a seemingly random text from 10 Days board member and friend Matthew Smoler.
Matthew shared a quote from a book on William Seymour, the Azusa Street revivalist, sometimes known as the “100 year prophecy”:
“Sometime in 1910, Seymour just stood up on the stage, took the box off his head, and started prophesying. He said in about a hundred years there would be another revival like Azusa Street. Only this time it would not be in one place. It would be all over the world. There would be a return of the Shekinah Glory and the miracles. This revival would not be with just one person or just pastors. It would be with everybody in the Body. This time the revival will not end until the Lord returns.” (True Stories of the Miracles of Azusa Street, by Welchel and Griffith)
My first reaction to the text was, “this seems random”. And yet, the word began to unfold in my heart quickly and unexpectedly, filling me with fresh vision.
Seymour is the man God used to launch the modern Pentecostal movement. The outpouring of the Holy Spirit began during 10 Days of fasting and prayer in Los Angeles. Seymour’s group didn’t make it to the end of the 10 Days before they experienced a powerful outpouring of the Spirit! I had often asked the Lord almost as a joke, “why haven’t we seen a greater manifestation of revival even after doing 10 Days for 15 years now—did you just like Seymour more?” My sense of His answer had always been this: Because God is doing something much larger than Azusa Street in our day, there is more preparation needed and more pieces to put in place. This understanding, that God is putting more pieces in place for what He is preparing around the globe, seemed to fit with Seymour’s vision of simultaneous, global revival.
Seymour’s word continued to grow in me: What if we could see an Azusa type 10 Days of fasting and prayer not just in one place, but all over the globe?
What if instead of 120 believers in the upper room as in Acts 1, we could see 120 upper rooms around the globe, seeking God’s face “continually” (24/7) and “in one accord” (John 17 unity)?
What if we could see 120,000 give themselves to serving this global upper room, to retrace the steps of the 120 disciple and Azusa pioneers by taking time off from work and giving themselves to fasting and prayer?
In Scripture, there are two pre-eminent examples of people “stopping everything” to seek Him—The Upper Room (Acts 1), and Ninevah (Jonah 4). Interestingly, these parallel stories also have parallel numbers: there were 120 in the Upper Room and 120,000 in Ninevah.
The 120 locations praying 24/7 in one-accord represent the remnant church as priests and kings.
The 120,000 consecrated ones represent Global Ninevah. We will be standing in the gap, asking God “bring the Ninevah’s of this world to repentance”.
A few years ago, a friend said the following: “Before we can see cities stop everything for 10 Days, we need to see the Church stop everything”. In order to call global Ninevah to repentance, the Church needs to come to repentance. In order to see Ninevah stop, the Church needs to stop. In order to see the world do the 2 Chronicles 7:14 thing, we need to do it ourselves.
In other words, the Global Upper Room comes first, then we will see Global Ninevah repent, including entire cities falling on their faces before the King of Kings!
We invite you to join us as part of this Global Upper Room from September 19-28 2020.
Sign-up Online
We are inviting our friends and partners to pray into their involvement this fall. If you’ve been interested but on the fence, this could be a great year to get on board. Pray about your involvement, and use one of our two online sign-ups below
o Sign-up to begin the process to start 10 Days in your city
o Sign-up to take the “Consecration Challenge” for 10 Days 2020
-Jonathan Friz