Images from 10 Days
Depending on where you are in the world it is either Day 7 or Day 8 of 10 Days. We wanted to share just a few photos of what’s happening around the world!
We wanted to let you know how to share pictures, videos, and written testimonies from YOUR 10 Days. **If you have security issues please don't share pictures or else clearly mark that they are for internal viewing only. We do plan to share some of these pictures/testimonies with the larger 10 Days community.**
Did you miss the premiere of Trumpets to Tabernacles? Watch it now!
Trumpets to Tabernacles is a global call to prayer for the body of Christ. Inspired by the fall feasts of Trumpets, Atonement, and Tabernacles, ministries around the world are prioritizing gatherings of worship and prayer, mourning and celebration, fasting and feasting during these days.