10 Days 2021 Report

Our team has spent hours over the past few weeks hearing testimonies about what God did during 10 Days 2021 (Sept 6-16).  As we wrap up this amazing season, we want to celebrate what God has been doing through the prayer, repentance, and humility of His people all over the world.  

This report is divided into two sections, a more general summary from around the world followed by specific stories of what God did categorized by topics.  Finally, we’ve included links to more than 6 hours of testimony videos. While we weren’t able to hear from many very significant gatherings, hopefully what we’ve gathered here will be a blessing to those who hear and bring glory to God.

Part 1: 10 Days in the Nations 

Over 200 Locations around the world joined in 10 Days.  Based on reports from Africa, South Asia, and South America we may have had closer to 250 or 300 locations or more. Some of these gatherings were quite large, with participants in the thousands.  Others were as small as 5-10 people gathering together daily for prayer and fasting.  Coming off last year when lockdowns were more restrictive, we were overjoyed to see more in person 10 Day gatherings!  For the first year, the majority of our locations were outside of the USA.  As we’ve become more international and multi-lingual, we translated materials this year into over 10 languages. 

Keep in mind that all of these expressions are locally initiated and organized.  While we are relating to one another as much as possible and trying to coordinate as friends, this is a grassroots movement based on the leading of the Holy Spirit and the initiation of local leaders and the stories shared here are their stories.

Online Prayer Grows: Lockdowns continue to prevent normal in-person gatherings in different parts of the world.  We saw an increase in online prayer expressions this year, several of which were 24 hours and representing a variety of language groups.   

·      Five different 10 Days Zoom Rooms partnered with our friends at the Aqueduct Project.  AQ reports to us that just in those 5 prayer rooms had over 9,000 unique participants join to pray during 10 Days.  These 5 rooms included Global Family, SE Asia, Latin America, Chicago, and California.

·      We had great reports on other online prayer expressions in the Middle East, Brazil, the US, Uganda, Australia, and around the world.  It was incredible to see not just one 24/7 online prayer expression but many happening around the world and in many languages.

·      Many people are integrating online prayer expressions with in-person gatherings, leading to stronger connectivity. 


Trumpets to Tabernacles Global Partnership 

We partnered with global prayer and missions networks like the Global Day of Prayer, International Prayer Connect, The Return, IHOP-KC, Awaken the Dawn, Redigging the Wells, The Hope Movement, and many others to issue a global call to the Body of Christ into the “Fall Feasts”.  This global push included a broadcast on GodTV that aired twice during 10 Days.

·      We hope to continue collaboration to invite believers globally into these annual festivals! (More at TrumpetstoTabernacles.org).

·      The long-term vision here is to see these fall festivals become a normal part of church life for the global body of Christ.  This year was a small but significant step in that direction!


Reports from Continental Leaders


Africa: Testimony from Edward Matovu and others

·      The Nation of Guinea in West Africa was going to have a single national event with about 500 people coming to pray for 10 Days when their plans were canceled due to Covid regulations. Instead, 72-120 gatherings took place in the towns and villages where everyone was from, engaging many thousands of believers in 4-6 hours/prayer/day.  Praise God for the increase in spite of the opposition. The nation experienced a coup on the first day of 10 Days so the prayer was all the more timely.

·      Uganda had more than 6 locations including a national Zoom prayer room that went 24/7 for all 10 Days. 

·      Our engagement in Africa before this year was primarily in East Africa and among English speakers.  Powerful gatherings in West Africa resulted in transformed lives, healings, and deliverance.  It was amazing to see so much engagement from French speaking Africa this year.

Europe: Testimony from Karen Gascoigne, Steve and Fiona Pollard

·      5 events took place in Europe including Germany, Italy, and the UK.

·      10 Days in Reading, UK had a unique expression with daily performances by highly skilled professional musicians outside of the Reading Cathedral (called “Music for Healing”) The musicians performed in all kinds of musical styles often with unusual instruments.  Christian visual artists joined in as well, shifting the atmosphere at the heart of the city.  As this was going on daily during the lunch hour, people were coming in for prayer at an outreach tent.  A number of people were healed, professed faith in Jesus, and otherwise touched and changed by the power of God!


South America and Latin America: Jacquie Wiese, Maria Fernandez, Raquel Villela and others 

·      Gatherings took place in Brazil, Panama, Puerto Rico, Argentina, the Dominican Republic, Mexico, Equador, and Bolivia, many of which we didn’t find out about until after 10 Days began.

·      The Latin American Zoom Room featured deep and transformative Biblical teachings in English and Spanish.  Many people experienced personal breakthroughs and physical, spiritual, and emotional healings.  Family members were being saved!  One major theological adjustment was a rediscovery of the “Maranatha!” cry of the Church, a bride who is longing for Jesus to return!


Asia, South Asia, and South Pacific: Sunil Gaikwad Anjali Abbot, Abraham Sakhar, Bhavesh Nagada, and others.

·      Many thousands of Indians participated throughout 10 Days, both in the 24/7 South Asian zoom room and also through in-person gatherings in many of the towns and villages where prayer and fasting are happening.

·      Our S. Asia coordinators estimate that we probably had more locations in India alone than we reported globally (i.e. more than 2-300 in in person expressions in India alone) because of the size of the networks that were connecting in prayer in the towns and villages. 

·      An hour of prayer with women throughout India via Zoom was particularly powerful and life-changing and sparked similar prayer expressions among pastors, youth, and kids. 

·      Prayer during 10 Days last year has resulted in ongoing prayer movements and fresh missions movements into tribal areas in North India that speak different languages and have never heard the name of Jesus.

·      Pakistan had 17 different 10 Days events throughout the nation.  

·      There was an “Isaiah 19” daily Zoom prayer time bringing people together from many Middle-Eastern nations that brought incredible encouragement.


North America/USA

·      Not to be left out, the USA had 77 confirmed locations this year.  We had reports of many other groups joining in daily prayer during these days as well.

·      Some locations have been doing 10 Days annually since 2013.  Its amazing to see how God continues to move in new ways as this prayer rhythm becomes part of the annual rhythm for believers.


Part 2: God Stories

Unity: God moved in each 10 Day gathering in unique ways, touching people both in an individual context and as groups.  A major prayer emphasis during 10 Days is always for the Father to answer Jesus’ prayer in John 17, “Let them be One”.  We saw many examples of powerful unity in the Body of Christ this 10 Days.

“In Connecticut, we had 24/7 Prayer under a tent, with over 30 churches involved in leading the prayer times from 15 towns throughout Connecticut.  I was definitely encouraged; 10 Days feels like it's becoming more of the rhythm of many believers here in New England. It's on our spiritual calendar.” Rick McKinniss, CT Prays

“[The unity] was so beautiful. Five pastors on in our community in our region came to the 5th day of 10 Days.  The humility, the brokenness, how they were ministering to the Lord… and ministering to one another was absolutely beautiful. To me that was the highlight because that's what we've been praying for in Chesterfield County.”  Chesterfield, SC, Glenda Kimrey . 

In St. Louis, MO evangelical church leaders were able to share a meal with the Archbishop of the Catholic Church during 10 Days to discuss unity among followers of Jesus in the city.  –Marco van Raalten, St. Louis, MO


Salvation: When we pray, the activity of the Holy Spirit begins to increase in our midst.  He is still convicting the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment and leading men and women to acknowledge Jesus Christ as Lord of their lives.

“So many testimonies….We saw 16 genuine salvations.”  Brandon McKenzie, Columbus GA

“23 were baptized and many salvations including among the kids.” Dexter Upshaw, Bridgeport CT

“3 people in Frankfurt, Germany made professions of faith.”  Karen G.

A repeated testimony we heard was that after years of prayer for their salvation, family members and loved ones who had been resistant were making professions of faith in Jesus Christ. Praise God for bringing salvation to so many in response to the prayers of His people.


Life-Changing Encounters: 10 Days can be a set-up for us to encounter the Lord in an entirely new way.  A brief encounter with the Lord can change a life in an instant.  Here are just a few life-changing experiences that people shared with us.

“I started shaking uncontrollably and I fell. I was at the Altar for 1 hour and 30 minutes. I encountered God for the first time in my life. I was kneeling before Him in all white and He placed a purple crown on my head. I also encountered Jesus where I was walking with Him. I was surely baptized with fire that day. I am forever changed!”  B.R. Bridgeport CT

“It has been powerful and impactful to us here. And it has brought a change in people's lives.  People have been changed as some experience healing and deliverance through prayer.  The Spirit of God has been moving mightily.”  Pastor Kennedy, Maseyo Kenya

“There was a lady we prayed for who had suffered from depression for a long time. As we prayed, the presence of the Lord was so strong.  As we prayed, we said, ‘Take what the Lord is giving you’…She said, ‘I feel so warm.  I am burning inside’. The next day she came in and she said, ‘I feel like I woke up for the first time in my life…All the heaviness is gone. And I see light’….I mean, she was smiling, smiling, smiling.”  Jacquie, Panama

“There was a filling with Joy especially at the end of the time!  Something supernatural was released, something supernatural that came upon my heart and something supernatural came upon my body. And not only me but many of the people who joined felt the same thing, that they were forever changed.” Bhavesh Naga, UAE


Special Prayer Assignments: Sometimes God leads people during 10 Days on unique prayer assignments. Here are a few that were reported this year.  

A group led by Markita Brooks (VA) prayed at Ground Zero in NYC on the 20th anniversary of 9/11 and also at St. Paul’s church where George Washington gave his first inaugural address.

Contend Maryland was a 10 Day prayer journey through 17 counties in Maryland led by Mavourene Robinson.  Groups of local people met daily along the journey praying in places of historic significance and injustice throughout the state of Maryland.  

Courtnye Lloyd felt led by the Lord to go and pray up and down The Strip in Las Vegas, Nevada during 10 Days.  On the way there, she felt God tell her to make sure and bring her umbrella.  Las Vegas is in a historic drought and September is not a time when rain is expected normally.  After several days of prayer on the Strip praying, God began to answer with rain: “So I’m on The Strip and I'm eating and all of a sudden there’s a huge thunderstorm that’s pouring down rain.  The people who are working are excited…And then like God has me go out and open up the umbrella on the strip.”  When God says to bring an Umbrella, you’d better bring an Umbrella.


Answered Prayers: When we pray, God changes us.  However, He also responds and answers our requests. We saw some beautiful testimonies of answered prayer during 10 Days.  

“We had a wonderful testimonies! People who didn’t have a job, people who were having issues with their salaries, as soon as they finished [10 Days] then companies started to call them and then they are getting the jobs and they are getting back to work.”  Bhavesh Naga, UAE 

“A young man was persecuted and acid was poured on his body. His whole back was burnt.  The doctors had given up hope for his life.  In spite of this every day they prayed for him.  Amazingly, now he is recovering. This young man belonged to one of our churches.” Abraham Sakhar, India

“E. from Uganda joined a breakout room during [on Zoom] during 10 days praying for work and provision for her family. Her prayer request came to a prayer minister who was local to her [in Uganda] and able to deliver several pounds of rice to her family. While E. and her husband's bodies were fed, after a time of prayer E. was also relieved of the ongoing arthritis pain that had previously filled her knees.” Joel Frazier, GFP


Unique 10 Days Expressions: Because all 10 Day gatherings are organized locally, we always see new and creative expressions.  But this year was the first time we heard about 10 Days on a Train! 

“We partnered with an existing group called Youth Revival Movement who had 1,000 young people involved in missions to Northern India.  These 1,000 youth were coming to southern India for a youth revival camp. And it happened to be that it was during the same days as the 10 Days of Prayer. So they started the 10 Days, praying in the train for the first 5 days (Sept 6-10) as they travelled south and picked up the youth, culminating with 1000 people praying together at the camp from September 11 to 16. Out of this camp they have started several house groups and are going out into those areas where the gospel has not been preached to the North Indian tribes. So we thank God for this privilege of encouraging these young people in prayer and to saturate Northern India with the gospel.” Sunil Gaikwad, India


Unusual and Amazing: Sometimes God does things that don’t fit into our boxes.  As someone has said, when God does a “sign” it can make you wonder.  Lights flashing in the sky following an earthquake are definitely in that category for me.

“[A friend] in Texas mobilized a group of their relatives in Mexico to pray during 10 Days.  On the very first day while they were gathered in prayer and praying through the prayer guide, suddenly there was a massive earthquake that affected 3 different cities. They ran outside and saw lights flash in the sky and there were multiple sightings of this apparently (along with the earthquake).  These women were amazed because they felt like it was directly affiliated with their prayers.”  Brandon McKenzie, Columbus GA


Building a Monument: Because 10 Days is an annual event it can be the occasion to remember what God has done in the past.

“In 2019, we saw a newborn baby healed miraculously during 10 Days.  And [now 2 years later] the same baby that was fighting for his life was running around the sanctuary, participating in worship. And it was such a powerful moment to be able to bring him up on stage and say, Hey, guys, you remember, two years ago, we were praying for this baby? He's growing up. He's overcome every health challenge that the enemy tried to throw at him to try to destroy his life. We have moments like that where we can point back to specific instances where we prayed for certain things and then also be able to say we prayed and God moved.” Dexter Upshaw, Bridgeport CT


Post 10 Days Explosions: Of course, probably most of the fruit of these types of extended prayer meetings will not be visible until later.  This year, several people reported “explosions” of God’s power and presence right after 10 Days.

“Right after 10 Day I was able to speak to a retreat of Christian students and because of all the time spent with the Lord, God moved in a more powerful way. The testimonies from the students after I shared were incredible, and the Holy Spirit moved powerfully on the assembly with a number of people giving their lives to Christ for the first time.  Praise God!” Kevin Juravoty, Manchester NH

“The first Friday after 10 days we spent 2 hours sharing testimony of what the Lord had done around the world. This was followed prayer and worship. Two hours after sharing testimonies at 3 minutes to the hour, someone received a word about some particular pain where the neck meets the back. As it turned out, nearly half of the men and women present were dealing with some sort of neck or shoulder pain. So we prayed. One after another, through zoom chat or spoken testimony, 5 people were completely healed within 15 minutes!”  Joel Frazier, Global Family Prayer Room

“[Shortly after 10 Days ended] about 60 passionate laborers joined us from probably 20+ different churches/ministries with at least someone in each of the 10 regions [of Dallas Fort Worth] seeing different kinds of fruit. Stories of high schools being reached by other students, alcoholics experiencing immediate freedom from bondage, Bible studies in the back room at Trader Joes, etc... in DFW! Some Dallas Baptist University students led an anointed worship time with many sharing words and praying for a filling of the Spirit. During "God of Revival" it felt like the room was yelling 'You can light it up, oh God of revival!'  Sharing that story to confirm the unity towards revival we've been sensing and highlighting the importance of standing with each other.”  Kyle Mills, DFW



What an glorious Father we have!  And what an amazing global family.  It’s an honor to be able to run with people of genuine faith, who are speaking “life” over the Bride of Christ and loving the people who Jesus gave His life to save.  We thank God for all that He has done during 10 Days and especially for how He used the prayers and efforts of so many of His people around the globe, totally diverse, and yet pulling together with one heart and mind, to exult the worth and name of Jesus all over the earth. 


Amen, Come soon Lord!

Jonathan Friz