Register Your City

Dear Friends,

We are fast approaching the launch of 10 Days 2021 (September 6-16).

10 Days is a set-apart time for believers, congregations, and even whole cities to stop “normal life” on earth and enter into “what’s normal” in heaven. Revelation chapters 4-5 describe an atmosphere of continual worship, praise, and prayer, before the throne of God and of the Lamb. It is truly an amazing fact that when we worship and pray like this, “on earth as in heaven”, the Kingdom of Heaven starts to be experienced on earth in unprecedented ways.

10 Days is a movement of volunteers—it’s a group of people who are overcome with the worth and beauty of Jesus Christ, and who out of that place want to give Him what He so abundantly deserves—the undistracted worship and attention of a united, spotless Bride.

Does your heart burn to see “Heaven on Earth”? Are you overwhelmed by the worthiness of Jesus? Does your heart burn for Him to receive worship from “every tribe, language, people and nation?” Do you long to see and experience true unity in the midst of an increasingly divided and hostile world? Are you sick of half-measures and ready to try something so dangerously simple that it just might be that “one thing needed”?

If so, consider being a 10 Days coordinator this year. 10 Days coordinators are the point people for organizing 10 Day gatherings of prayer and worship, fasting, and repentance in their cities. Every 10 Day gathering that’s ever happened has started with someone saying “Yes” to God.

Is this your year?

To sign-up as a 10 Days city-Coordinator, you can Register Your City here! We’ll follow up with you with resources and more importantly relationships that can support you as you call the Body of Christ in your region into a season of united worship, fasting, and prayer. These events take place in a small group or at a city-wide level, in a retreat out of the way, or out in the open in a tent in the middle of everything, online or in person. We’d love to help you “Join the Global Upper Room” this September 6-16!

Jonathan Friz