Say Yes to the Mess

As a father of six, I know a thing or two about messy situations.  It seems no matter how hard we try, something around the house is always broken, dirty, out of place, in need of repair, or hopelessly worn.  The fact is, we wouldn’t want it any other way because in the midst of the mess, life is happening. Things would be simpler with less people around, but in the final analysis, all those other things are only there to serve the kids and the family.  

Mess is a sign of life and increase.  As the Proverb says, “when there’s no ox, the stall is clean but an abundant harvest comes from the strength of an ox.”   

10 Days might just be God’s plan to make a mess in your city.  Consider the following:

·       Uniting believers across denominational, cultural, and ethnic lines can get real messy, really fast.  Gathering leaders is sure to leave a few of them feeling underappreciated or offended—in fact, you may end up the offended party.  It’d be less messy to just accept the status quo.

·       When people are revived spiritually, it’s exciting, but they also tend to make a lot of mistakes.  As someone once said, in revival church life goes from the cemetery to a kindergarten classroom.  One is very neat and orderly, the other has a lot of life (and a lot of chaos!)

·       The enemy of our souls will resist the advancement of the Kingdom.  Battles are chaotic and messy, and you’re sure to fight a few of them if you step-out in faith. 

Want to say Yes to the Mess?  

We are looking for 10 Days City-Coordinators for 2021.  10 Days coordinators are people who have vision for their city, town, or region to be united in Christ and revived by the power of God.  They’re people of faith and action, who decide to step out, set-up, and organize a 10 Days event in their region.  

Register to be a 10 Days City-Coordinator.  

It’s not easy, but it’s hard to find work that’s more rewarding!  If you feel God may be calling you to pioneer 10 Days in your city, you can Register Your City here!  If there’s an effort already underway, we’ll connect you to those who are already working in your city or region.

We’d love to help you “Join the Global Upper Room” this September 6-16.  

--Jonathan Friz

Jonathan Friz