A God of Surprises
Thanks to all who joined with us this fall in 10 Days of fasting, mourning, and repentance.
With about 70 locations engaging, this was an incredible year of seeking God together as a global family. Over the next weeks, we will continue to tell stories of what God has done.
I hope you'll enjoy these three videos featuring testimonies from 10 Days this year. The hit on how surprising it is when God begins to move in response to our prayers.
Pastor Roberto Miranda shares a story of God's visitation during the final night of 10 Days in bi-lingual, multi-ethnic, multi-generational worship.
An Intergenerational Outpouring of God's Spirit Today, Jonathan Friz, the young man that God imparted the vision of the 10 Days Prayer movement to, joins our prayer program along with Aaron Reeves, from Youth With A Mission, Boston. Jonathan and Aaron are leaders of a young generation who have responded to the call of God for worship, prayer, and evangelism.