This Proves God Answers Prayer

Where were you when the decision to overturn Roe v. Wade was announced? The news was sent to me privately Friday morning as I was facilitating a panel discussion. I didn’t know what to do or say. I felt speechless.

To be honest, the rest of the day felt a bit like a dream. It was a Psalm 126 moment, a long-promised breakthrough that finally arrived. As I’ve heard many times since last Friday, “I never thought I’d live to see the day.” Truly, “we were like those who dreamed.” Truly, “The Lord has done great things for us, we are glad!”

In my mind, I went back to my dinner with Allan Parker in 2016. Allan, a lawyer who at the time was representing Norma McCorvey (Jane Roe from Roe v. Wade) in her pro-life work, shared with me how God had called him years before to overturn Roe and end abortion in America. This impossible task had led Allan into the prayer movement—because there was no way to do this without a miracle! As Allan and I talked, I said to him: “You are a modern day William Wilberforce!” Like Wilberforce, Allan is one whose faith has motivated him to fight for justice in the most impossible circumstances, and somehow to win! While this does not end abortion in America, it’s an amazing first step.

Thanks be to God!

First of all, I want to thank God for what has happened. This absolutely seemed impossible. And yet He did it. A great reproach and injustice was lifted off of our nation. As former president Trump remarked on Dobbs, “God made the decision.” Thanks be to God!

Secondly, thanks are due to all who have served. The pro-life community in the U.S. is incredible. They have won this victory not by being the loudest, most powerful, and most celebrated movement but by serving and loving well. They consistently bring together justice and mercy in a rare and powerful way.

To all the women and men who have volunteered in a Crisis Pregnancy Centers, counseled a women considering abortion, fostered or adopted a child, or gotten involved in the law or politics because of this issue, Thank You. This is the result of your hope and hard work! Thank you for being a voice to the voiceless and serving those in need. As a Protestant, special thanks are due to thank the Roman Catholic Church for their tireless stand for life.

While it would be impossible to list key leaders by name, I want to thank Allan Parker, Lou Engle, and Christina Bennett, people who have invested their lives to save unborn lives and end Roe v. Wade. Your costly faith has inspired millions to prayer and action. Thank you!

I also want to honor Dr. James Dobson and Focus on the Family for pointing the way on this issue for millions.

Finally, I want to thank all who prayed. This decision is the result of God answering millions of prayers. As a friend said to me at church this week: “This is proof that God answers prayer!” Yes, this is absolutely proof. We needed to take action to show that our prayers were sincere—but all of our actions would never have been enough. Thanks to all who cried out to God!—this is Your victory.

Moving Forward

If you spend much time in praying circles in the United States, you’ve probably heard this prayer written by Lou Engle: “Jesus, I plead your blood over my sins and the sins of my nation. End Abortion and send revival to America.” While we are incredibly thankful for this decision and for the lives that will be saved, our nation remains incredibly divided. Some see this decision as righting an ancient wrong. Others view it as a grave injustice sending us back to the dark ages. How can we walk together as one nation with such different measures of Justice?

The bottom line is this—we need revival and awakening in this nation. There is one standard of Justice, and only one who can wash all of us sinners in His blood and present us righteous before the Father. We need the mercy of God. We need revival in our nation and in the nations of the earth. Now, more than ever we pray, Lord, End abortion and send revival to America!.

Jonathan Friz